5 handy tips for beginning a job search.

Whether candidates are fresh out of university or well established in their career I still get asked the question, what are your tips on approaching a job search and application? Below are my tips to get you prepared, ready and in the right mindset to begin your next job search.

1: Refresh your career and job goals- short and long term

Now is as good a time as any to think about your career both short and long term. Maybe some of these style of questions may lead you in the right direction and will almost definitely help you in the interview process.

  • What do I love doing most or what is my passion?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What is important to me in a role; ie money, workplace culture, challenge, rewarding?
  • What can I do to use or build on my existing skills or knowledge?

Be sure to write them down, not only as a reminder but as something to look back on as you advance in your career.

2: Freshen up your resume

Some of us have had the same resume from when we applied for that first role and have built on it from there. Why not spruce it up a little? Candidates must remember that recruiters and companies receive many resumes, keep it simple and achievement orientated to get noticed quicker!

Some basics:

  • Keep it simple, achievement orientated resumes get noticed quicker
  • Don’t be afraid to express who you are and where you want to be
  • Reference your education, including outstanding achievements and/or University major
  • Reference your previous work history with key achievements
  • Highlight your strengths
  • Keep it relevant to the role and company
  • Watch the spelling mistakes- a second pair of eyes never hurt!
  • Show some personality, many companies hire on personality and ‘culture fit’ as much as matching skills.

3: Get connected with brands and recruiters on social media

Use LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs etc to get in touch with companies and recruitment agencies. Subscribe to company and recruitment agency job alerts to learn more about the latest job opportunities.

4. Your profile online

As important as it is to connect with  recruiters and companies online, it is important you update your online profile; after all your online profile is a glimpse into your resume. In fact it is your online resume.

  • Update your LinkedIn profile as it is the number one recruitment tool used by companies and recruiters. Make sure your profile is up to date, make sure your profile is up to date, complete with a photo (so they know who to look for when meeting at a café) and matches your resumes.
  • Google yourself just like the way an employer would if they ran a Google search on you. Do you want your private and professional lives to remain independent- then also check your personal social media privacy settings!

5. Make connections and reach out to people

You will find most people just want to help. Re-connect with University friends, work colleagues, old neighbours, or even that recruiter that connected with you on LinkedIn last month. Attend networking events or classes to seek out like minded professionals, you never know where this may lead you.

Good luck and enjoy your job search journey.